
UTCB \ I am a student \ Fees

The amount of taxes and fees for the services from the Technical University of Constructions of Bucharest for the academic year 2022-2023 can be found in the Senate Decision no. 11273 of 18.09.2023:

Cuantum taxe și tarife UTCB

Proof of payment of fees will be sent scanned to the FILS secretariat, to the email address: secretariat.fils@utcb.ro.

Registration and re-registration fees – are managed by the secretariats of the faculties / DPPD / Doctoral School / Rectorate Secretariat, and the registration fees are paid only once during the studies, this being paid several times only if the student has the status of postponed, and the fees re-enrollment is paid for students who have dropped out and resume or have been expelled.

Pay here tax of registration and re-registration 

Fees for various additional teaching activities – are managed by the secretariats of the faculties / DPPD / Doctoral School / Rectorate Secretariat and refer to

Pay here taxes for various additional teaching activities

Fees for various additional teaching activities for foreign students – are managed by the secretariats of the faculties / DPPD / Doctoral School / Rectorate Secretariat and refer to

Pay here taxes for various teaching activities- foreign students 

Tuition fees – are managed by the secretariats of the faculties / DPPD / Doctoral School / Rectorate Secretariat, and these are for students pursuing studies in paid education

Pay here tuition fees 

Tuition fees for foreign students – are managed by the secretariats of the faculties / DPPD / Doctoral School / Rectorate Secretariat / Center for International Relations, and these are for foreign students studying for a fee.

Pay here tuition fees for foreign students 

Fees for additional services on request – are managed by the Rectorate Secretariat / Faculty Secretariats / DPPD / Doctoral School and refer to

Pay here taxes for additional services on request

Car access on the UTCB campus is managed by the Contract Tracking Office and is based on the payment of a fee for the renewal of the access card based on the University Charter – Art. 94 (2) Access of members of the university community and administrative and auxiliary staff with personal vehicles it can be done only with access card in the university premises, within the limit of available parking spaces. The access cards are issued by the Administrative Department for a fee, the amount of the fee being approved annually by the University Senate.

Pay here for auto access 

Accommodation rates – are managed by the Social Service and are established annually in the UTCB Senate at the proposal of the Board of Directors based on monthly expenses for employees, utilities, security and maintenance.

Pay here the accommodation rates 

Other doctoral fees – are managed by the Doctoral School and are established annually in the UTCB Senate at the proposal of the Board of Directors based on monthly expenses for employees, utilities, security and maintenance.

Pay here other doctoral fees

Pay here for postgraduate courses