University studies for bachelor degree represent the first step of university studies and ensure a suitable level of qualification for exercising a profession in the field of civil engineering in order to be inserted on the labor market both in Romania and abroad, through corresponding general and specialty knowledge.
The bachelor’s degree programs represent cycle I of university studies and correspond to a minimum of 180 and maximum 240 transferable studies credits, conformable with ECTS/SECT and are finalized with level 6 of EQF/CEC and of National Qualification Frameworks.
The bachelor’s degree programs are finalized with a bachelor’s exam for the bachelor’s degree cycle or a diploma exam for a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
Why Modern Languages Applied at UTCB? Because we want to offer undergraduate students something different from what they might find at other universities, namely deepening their knowledge of foreign languages and acquiring the skills of translators-interpreters specialized in the technical-scientific field, in which Engineering Civil plays an extremely important role.
In addition to a launching pad for a successful career, students find here a great openness to the cultures of the countries where they study languages, an environment conducive to the development of communication skills, a pleasant and relaxed working atmosphere, a framework organized in order to facilitate both the improvement of language performance and the intercultural interactions, which they fully benefit from at events such as Language Week.
All teachers who teach the Translation and Interpretation Specialization have a high qualification in the field of the subjects they teach and a great willingness to share with students their knowledge and experience, in an open manner, which encourages them to express it freely, because, after all, effective communication is the main path to success in contemporary society.