UTCB dormitories in the academic year 2020-2021

Following the accommodation requests from September 25-27, 2020, a new series of allocations in dormitories was made, depending on the preferential criteria calculated according to the data received from the secretariats of the faculties. The rooms are taken over and the accommodation is made from September 30th until October 1st, 2020 at 12.00. After this deadline, the accommodation of students who have problems with the school situation within the limit of places available in dormitories C4 and C5 will start. The list of distributions can be consulted below:
The students assigned in the first series who have not made any attempt to take over the rooms until today, September 29, at 15.00, lose their assigned place.
The accommodation lists will be published on September 29, 2020. Subsequently, the second stage of allocations in the dormitory will begin. After the completion of these two stages, after September 30, the distribution in dormitories of students who have exceeded the legal duration of studies as well as students who have not made any application so far will be considered.
Students who have received accommodation distributions in UTCB dormitories who do not show up for accommodation formalities until 29.09.2020 inclusive, will lose the allocated accommodation distribution. Starting Monday, we will consider requests after the closing date of the questionnaires from September 18-22.
The lists of students distributed in dormitories can be consulted here:
The accommodation was made according to the information received from the secretariats of the faculties in which the school situation, the year of study and the type of schooling were specified. In order to comply with GDPR regulations, you can consult the complete accommodation lists on the room of the administrator of the dormitory in which you have been assigned.
The accommodation program is September 26-28 between 09.00 – 14.00, and the route is as follows:
- step 1 – identification of the dormitory room at the dormitory administration
- step 2 – advance payment (bank account transfer according to the details provided in the accommodation lists or at the UTCB cashier’s office in the administrative block floor 1
- step 3 – signing the accommodation contract at the social service in the administrative block, 2nd floor
- step 4 – taking over the room from the dormitory administration
For any questions, fill in this questionnaire: https://forms.gle/Z7tsHoaKuTXofX8t7
The following aspects of accommodation in UTCB dormitories should be considered:
1. Accommodation rates are calculated per room and the rate per person is calculated according to the number of students accommodated in that room and the type of grant. If a student leaves the accommodation after the first date of the month, he / she will pay that month in full, and the student or students remaining in that room will pay according to the room rate, without taking into account the colleague who left, or they can apply for relocation to another room.
2. The unsubsidized room accommodation rates proposed for approval by the UTCB Senate for the academic year 2020-2021 are:
- home C3 620 lei
- home C4 720 lei
- home C5 880 lei
- home C7 880 lei
3. The categories of Romanian students enrolled in the places financed from the budget and the corresponding subsidies are:
- Students – 1 x grant Students with parents teachers – 2 x grant
- Students orphaned by one or both parents – 2 x grant
- Students from orphanages, social assistance centers, family placement – 2 x grant
4. Other categories of subsidized students
- Foreign scholarship students of the Romanian state – 2 x subsidy
- Categories of unsubsidized students
- Romanian students enrolled in places financed by fees
- Foreign students on their own CPV foreign exchange account and on their own account in CPL lei
5. Family students are considered only those who are married
6. For students enrolled before the academic year 2020-2021, priority is given to students enrolled in places financed from the budget
7. Students requesting further accommodation in UTCB dormitories in the case of the complete online scenario must mention the special situation (research activity, volunteering, student competitions, internships, employment contracts in the field, orphaned students and students from placement) in which it is located and provide evidence to that effect.
General rules for UTCB dormitories accommodation rates set per room.
- The rate per student is determined according to the actual expenses, the subsidy received and the number of people in each room.
- The grant is received only for students enrolled in full-time education, without tuition; rooms will be allocated for accommodation of 2 (two) students per room or, if this is not possible, due to the large number of requests for accommodation from students, the rooms will be occupied by a maximum of 3 students from the same study in order to limit the contact of students from different study groups, in compliance with the provisions of art. 55 of the annex to the Order of the Minister of Health no. 119/2014 for the approval of the Norms of hygiene and public health regarding the living environment of the population, with the subsequent modifications and completions;
- according to the Order of the Ministry of Health no. 787 of 28 August 2020 on the Hygiene Norms regarding the units for the protection, education, training, rest and recreation of children and young people, Art.5 (7): In school boarding schools and student dormitories, accommodation will be done separately by sex. If necessary, the accommodation of family students (married) can be done in student dormitories for family members.
- Preferential accommodation requested in UTCB dormitories will be based on the criteria * discussed and voted by students:
Criterion 1 – academic performance Student with all promoted credits – 5 points
- Student with 1 – 4 outstanding credits – 4 points
- Student with 5 – 9 outstanding credits – 3 points
- Student with 10 – 14 outstanding credits – 2 points
- Student with 14 – 20 outstanding credits – 1 point
- Student> = 21 outstanding credits – 0 points
Criterion 2 – year of study First year
- student – 1 point Second year
- student – 2 points Third year
- student – 3 points 4th year
- student – 4 points
- Master student I – 5 points
- Student master II – 6 points
Criterion 3 – Member of the UTCB Senate or the Faculty Council – 1 point
* these proposals for the accommodation criteria will be submitted to the debate of the UTCB Senate from 09.22.2020