University year 2022-2023

29 September 2022


The payment of registration or re-registration fees is made by accessing this link:
Registration fees are paid only once during their studies, which is paid several times only if the student has the status of deferred, and the re-registration fees are paid for students who have interrupted their studies and resume them or have been expelled. The deadline for registration and signing of study contracts is October 7, 2022.


All students must register by October 7. You run the risk of being expelled if you don’t. Registration is done by all students.

For students of year I, II, III, IV undergraduate and first year, second master tick REGISTRATION

If you have checked the re-registration there is no problem, it will resolve it at the secretariat but please be careful!

Tick re-registration in the case of years II, III, IV and II master only in the following cases:

-you have frozen the previous year and resume your studies in the academic year 2022-2023;
-you have been expelled;
-other situations similar to those listed above, which involved the termination/postponement of the previous year of study.


Distribution of students by groups for undergraduate studies:

Distribution of students by groups for master’s degree studies: